A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 1929

Chapter 1929


In essence, their bond wasn’t as intimate as before.

Peter, somewhat flustered, inquired, “How… How did she come around so suddenly?”

Mark’s smile was knowing.

“I believe Waylen had a word with her.”

He then turned the conversation businessward, asking Peter, “Are there any projects suitable for collaboration with the Exceed Group?

Offer them favorable terms so Waylen can spend more time at home with Rena and the kids.”

Peter’s grin was complicit.

“I’ll scout for the right project to partner with them. If nothing surfaces, I’ll create one.”

Mark felt a sense of relief wash over him.

As fate would have it, a business associate reached out, extending an invitation for a round of golf.

Normally, Mark might decline such social entanglements.

Angela’s Library

But buoyed by his current spirits and seeking relaxation, he accepted without a second thought.

Observing Mark’s demeanor, Peter surmised the previous night had been eventful, teasing, “You look spent from last night. You should take it easy today.”

“How could I be exhausted? As if I couldn’t keep up with a young woman. I’m the furthest thing from tired.”

Peter’s gaze held a touch of wistful envy.

The three days leading to the weekend saw no rendezvous between Mark and Cecilia.

She was immersed in her professional life.

Gone were her days of idly awaiting him.

Similarly, Mark, preoccupied with corporate demands, couldn’t devote his every moment to her, managing only to fetch her and the kids came Friday.

When Mark pulled into the Fowler residence, dusk had painted the sky; it was seven.

The evening unfurled in splendor.

The final wisps of cloud staged a breathtaking display.

Life thrummed within the Fowler home, the air alive with the commotion of family. Waylen and Cecilia present, children in Lively play.

Stepping from his car, Mark was greeted by the tantalizing aroma of a meal underway.

